Adding Comments to Tickets


Watch our video on adding comments to tickets!

1. To view your open tickets, go to My Tickets, located on the lower navigation panel on the homepage, and click See my open tickets.


2. Click on the title of the ticket to open it. 

Under Ticket Requests, your open tickets will be listed in a grid as seen in the picture below. This is where you will find the title of your ticket. 

3. When your ticket opens, click on Comment on the bottom right of the page

4. Type your message in the text box, and click Save to publish your comment to the feed.

Below is what will appear when you click on Comment. This is where you can type the message you would like to comment, as well as choose who you want to be notified of your comment. 

Please Note: Comments automatically notify the Requestor. If you are commenting on a ticket that was not initially requested by you, it will automatically send the Requestor a notification that you commented regardless of who you include under the field Notify... 


Click on the attached file to download a printable, PDF version.



Article ID: 7879
Wed 9/20/23 4:50 PM
Mon 11/18/24 7:04 AM

